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Glycosylation analysis services focus on studying and analyzing glycosylation modifications in proteins, peptides, or other biomolecules. These glycosylation analysis services involve analyzing the level and types of glycosylation in samples, as well as identifying glycosylation sites and structures.


Specific glycan structures are closely associated with the safety and efficacy of many protein therapeutics. Therefore, monitoring glycan structures and performing relative quantification are necessary during process development, manufacturing purification, formulation development, and stability testing in biopharmaceutical development projects.

Glycosylation Project Workflow

Project Workflow of Glycosylation Analysis Service

Under the action of glycosidase, the glycans are separated from glycoproteins. Due to the lack of UV absorbance by the glycans, fluorescent labeling with 2-AB (2-aminobenzamide) is required for glycan detection.

Project Workflow of Glycosylation Analysis Service

Glycan Analysis Mass Spectrometry

Waters™ Xevo G2-XS QTof
Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ HF-X
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