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Peptide therapeutics are a class of pharmaceuticals that utilize peptides as the active ingredient for therapeutic purposes. Peptides are short chains of amino acids, typically comprising fewer than 50 amino acids. They play crucial roles in various biological processes and have shown great potential as therapeutic agents due to their high specificity, low toxicity, and favorable pharmacokinetic properties. Peptide therapeutics can be designed to target specific receptors, enzymes, or pathways involved in disease processes, making them promising candidates for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including cancer, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, and infectious diseases.

INOMIXO Peptide Therapeutics Services

Peptide drugs are characterized by their complex and highly heterogeneous structures, making the development and production processes intricate. To ensure the production of safe and effective peptide drugs, comprehensive characterization analysis is essential. As a professional peptide therapeutics company, INOMIXO can provide a range of characterization analysis services tailored to your pharmaceutical research project needs, including stability analysis, impurity analysis, method development and validation, method transfer, batch release testing etc.

Higher-order structurePrimary structureHeterogeneity
X-ray powder diffractionpeptide mass spec.N-glycan analysis
AUCAA compositionPTMs
NMRPeptide sequence coverageclEF
CD analysisElemental analysisImpurity analysis
CD spec.High-resolution mass spec.HPLC
UV spec.N-terminal sequencing analysisCE-SDS
IR spec.Full sequence analysisStereoisomer
Free thiol analysis
Residual solvent
Disulfide bond pairing
Raman spec.

Fluorescence spec.

INOMIXO Drug Research Program Experience

INOMIXO Peptide Based Therapeutics Research

If you have further pharmaceutical project characterization analysis needs, please contact

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