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Using LC-MS/MS protein identification technology for untargeted scanning analysis of samples, comparing mass spectrometry data with theoretical databases of the species to identify proteins and their sequences in the sample. Protein identification service enable the identification of proteins in a gel band, gel spot or in solution, and no limitation on the number of samples.

Protein Identification Service Workflow

Protein Identification Service

  • This type of proteomics  identification service is applicable for identifying proteins from SDS-PAGE gel bands prepared using IP, co-IP, and pull-down methods, as well as protein solutions.

  • The report includes lists of identified proteins and peptides.

Protein Identification Service Sample Requirements

Sample typeProtein lyophilized powderProtein solution
Recommended Sample VolumeTotal ≥ 10 μg, (protein concentration should be ≥ 1 mg/mL)Total ≥ 20 μg (protein concentration should be ≥ 1 mg/mL)
Precautionsl Ensure the solution does not contain SDS, CHAPS, Triton X-100, NP40, Tween 20, Tween 40, or other similar detergents, salt concentration should be less than 50 mM.
l If SDS loading buffer has been added to the solution, please prepare a new sample or send gel band samples after electrophoresis.
l When shipping fresh tissue or protein samples, use double-layer foam box sealed packaging, and add sufficient dry ice to the box.

* Please contact if you have any questions regarding the samples.

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