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Target engagement by LC/MS involves the assessment of the interaction between a drug or compound and its intended biological target within a complex biological system. This method utilizes LC to separate the components of a sample and MS to detect and quantify the target-bound ligands or analytes. Target engagement in drug design studies provide crucial insights into the efficacy and mechanism of action of drugs, helping to optimize drug development processes and refine therapeutic strategies. LC/MS-based target engagement assays offer high sensitivity, specificity, and the capability to analyze multiple targets simultaneously, making them indispensable tools in drug discovery and development.

Target Engagement by LC/MS Project Workflow

Target Engagement Assays Workflow

Target Engagement by LC/MS Application Display

Analyzing target engagement in tissue samples poses practical challenges when using flow cytometry, as it necessitates viable cells. However, techniques like immuno-precipitation liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (IP-LCMS) offer a solution by enabling the quantification of target or therapeutic antibodies in biological samples without this requirement for viability. 

Target Engagement Application

Target Engagement by LC/MS Mass Spectrometry Platform

Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 480
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