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What is Metabolomics?
What is Metabolomics?

Metabolomics analyzes all the small molecule chemicals (the metabolome) within a biological sample to understand how cells or tissues are functioning at a particular time. By measuring the types and amounts of these molecules, as leading metabolomics service providers, we can gain insights into an organism's response to various influences, including diet, disease, and genetics etc. These molecules are typically organic acids, amino acids, sugars, and other substances smaller than 1000 Da.

INOMIXO Metabolomics Services

As a leading metabolomics service provider, we can offer untargeted and panel metabolomics research services based on LC-MS/MS technology. The untargeted metabolomics conducts both qualitative and quantitative analyses of metabolites present in the sample, whereas the panel metabolomics specializes in acquiring mass spectrometry signals of specific metabolites for precise detection. We suggest utilizing a combination of untargeted and panel metabolomics services to validate the identified differential metabolites screened during untargeted metabolism analysis.

Untargeted Metabolomics (LC-MS)

Untargeted Metabolomics (LC-MS)

For the objective identification of metabolites and the collection of both qualitative and quantitative data about them, LC-MS/MS metabolomics is employed.
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Targeted Metabolomics

Targeted Metabolomics

Targeted metabolomics relies on LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry to detect targeted metabolites. By referencing their standards and refining the acquisition process, this method prioritizes specificity, sen...
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INOMIXO Metabolomics Mass Spectrometry Platform

SCIEX TripleTOF™ 6600
SCIEX TripleTOF™ 6600
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 6500+
Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 480
Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 480
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500
SCIEX Triple Quad™ 7500
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